Why Three Associations?
These are the three HOA Associations of Heritage Isle
The District encompasses the entire community, including the Heritage Isle Club (HIC). Everyone who lives in Heritage Isle belongs to the District and must abide by the governing documents of the District. (That is one of the reasons they are included in the Documents and Forms here.) I like to use a picture of our entrance bridge when referring to the District. Since we all drive over the Bridge to enter our community the entrance bridge seems like an appropriate symbol. It is easy to remember that we all drive over the bridge, we all belong to the District.
The Villages encompasses the homes within each of the Villages that extend off of Legacy Blvd. There are eight (8) Villages. All homes in these Villages, whether they are single-family, duplex, or villas, fall under the governance of the Residential Villages Association in addition to the District (since we also belong to the District.)
The Terraces Association governs the Condos. The condominiums operate under different Florida Statutes and that is why the Terraces have a separate Association. The Terraces also fall under the governance of the District.
(You will probably see the District referred to as HIDA and the Villages as HIRVA. Those are acronyms created from the letters of the full name of the Associations. Our governing documents state the Heritage Isle District Association and Residential Villages Association may be referred to as the District and Villages therefore you will see them referenced that way on this website. Hopefully, you will not see the use of acronyms.)
In addition to our three Homeowner Associations (HOA) we have the
Heritage Isle Community Development District (CDD)
To further complicate matters our documents state the Community Development District may be referred to as the HI CDD however when you visit the CDD website you will see the CDD referred to as the "District." Luckily for us, our HOAs do use this acronym :)